Hot Keywords:Retractor,Expansion joint, power transmission joint, waterproof sleeve, single flange expansion joint


Time: 2023/5/14 9:20:30

Welcome customers from Double flanged force transfer joint! Today is 2023-11-01. Since the Innovation website was built, you are the 478645th visitor to Innovation!ZhongYuan water supply equipment understand our customer's world and the daily challenges they face. Together, we can partner for positive change. Innovation pipeline has focused on Double flanged force transfer joint products for many years, which you can learn about the use situation nearby!

    创新从一个作坊式的小厂,Enabling Chinese products to benefit the world!,到船舶用管道系统领域规模化生产、销售额连年攀升的非金属补偿器系列产品现代化企业,(山西给排水材料产品诚信合作伙伴)创新管道技术研发事业部在创始人的带领下,秉承文化兴企的坚定信念,奋发图强、艰苦创业,一步一个脚印,创新管道全体员工用实干推动企业稳定发展,Strengthen the construction of international teams and serve customers from all continents!,用高质量的非金属补偿器产品服务于船舶用管道系统客户朋友。

(山西给排水设备产品长期合作伙伴)创新管道企业技术推广事业部为平顺地区船舶用管道系统用户提供品质放心的非金属补偿器服务是创新管道一贯的经营理念,The future belongs to those who innovate.凭着对船舶用管道系统行业多年的专注,创新管道可靠放心的非金属补偿器产品服务,深受平顺客户朋友的青睐!




      党的十九大报告指出,“文化是一个国家、一个民族的灵魂。文化兴国运兴,文化强民族强。Let Chinese manufacturing benefit the world!没有高度的文化自信,没有文化的繁荣兴盛,就没有中华民族伟大复兴。 创新人知道优良的文化理念认同是企业的核心竞争力之一,很多企业都把企业文化理念统一摆上了议事日程。(山西供水设备产品长期合作伙伴)创新管道市场开发部作为一个船舶用管道系统行业平顺非金属补偿器厂家产品的主要生产企业,一直致力于非金属补偿器产品企业文化的创建中。创新管道自创办以来坚持从不断续地普及中华传统优良文化理念教育,在所有创新管道员工中不断强化“道路自信、理论自信、制度自信、文化自信”。“自信人生二百年,会当水击三千里”!Let Chinese manufacturing benefit the world!,船舶用管道系统的朋友们相信我们一定能在成功的大道上昂首阔步!

    巩义市中原创新管道设备有限公司时事历史知识小看板,船舶用管道系统的朋友多看下,Made in China, Serving the World!,让我们一起强化传统历史,讲好中国故事!


Services and support

Through manufacturing, technology and service innovation with unmatched quality, reliability, insights and support, we work as partners to create lasting value for your business.

Innovation's vision is to continue providing original, efficient and effective products as well as consistently excel in pre and post sale services. In order to realize our vision, we have invested much effort in locating international partners as well as extensive development investment. In this way we have continue to expand its operations both commercially and technologically with product upgrades and new models are released regularly, reflecting the Innovation's intention to innovate.


Who we are

Innovation's purpose: Creating value through manufacturing and technology innovation to empower a sustainable future where people, businesses and our planet thrive together

Innovation's values:

Ambition: With a "challenging spirit" and without fear of failure, we innovate and always aspire to do more

Perseverance: Even when the work is difficult, we remain committed to our promises and reliably carry them through to completion

Collaboration: Creating value comes from teamwork, inclusion, respect, diversity and a win-win approach to all relationships

Authenticity: To earn and maintain trust, Innovation pipeline always act with sincerity, integrity and honesty, and communicate transparently


Most companies in our field make the biggest profit off maintianing their equipment for their customers. We try to go a different route. We don't want customers to have to be dependent on anyone - even us. We are more committed to teaching our customers rather than simply fixing their problem.

Time is short. We need to change the products we make and how we make them faster. Changemakers like yourself are leading the way. Innovation pipeline helps you find like-minded engineers & resources to empower your change. The more people connect to our platform, the more it grows, the better it gets.


Services and support

Through manufacturing, technology and service innovation with unmatched quality, reliability, insights and support, we work as partners to create lasting value for your business.

Innovation's vision is to continue providing original, efficient and effective products as well as consistently excel in pre and post sale services. In order to realize our vision, we have invested much effort in locating international partners as well as extensive development investment. In this way we have continue to expand its operations both commercially and technologically with product upgrades and new models are released regularly, reflecting the Innovation's intention to innovate.


Our R&D department develops products

because Innovation pipeline listen to you and understand your needs.

Huge investments in R&D not only assure versatile solutions and great flexibility to meet the present market demand but also guarantee cost-effective product features and performances.

Innovation's team of experienced & expert individuals works meticulously for your demands from production to the transport. In addition to meet your wishes flawlessly; Innovation pipeline follow innovations, keep you informed and always stand by you with added value to keep you competitive.


    With international standards, do multinational operations!阔步走进中国特色社会主义新时代! 感谢您浏览(山西给排水材料产品诚信合作伙伴)创新管道技术研发事业部网站,创新管道是船舶用管道系统领域持续专注的非金属补偿器产品生产厂家,China's intelligent manufacturing has made life better for people around the world,坚守于船舶用管道系统行业多年,有丰富的行业经验!如果您想了解更多的山西平顺非金属补偿器产品资讯,可拨打技术咨询电话【 0371-68676867】,即刻获知更多信息!

都是不错的商品 做工非常好!真材实料
Develop together!Interested Directly buried ripple compensator customer friends can browse some of Innovation pipeline customer feedback:
Asia Bahrain old customers who have cooperated with Compensator
Good quality, timely delivery, very satisfied!
What are the price factors of waterproof sleeves?
Answer: The price factors of waterproof sleeves include materials, size, pressure, and others depending on the type of sleeve and the manufacturer's specifications.
What is the temperature range suitable for rubber joints?
Answer: The temperature range suitable for rubber joints is usually between -40℃ and +120℃.

Hot Product:Retractor,Expansion joint,Transmission joint,Sleeve compensator,Spherical compensator,Waterproof casing

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