Hot Keywords:Retractor,Expansion joint, power transmission joint, waterproof sleeve, single flange expansion joint


Time: 2022/12/21 0:51:37



    智造业是国民经济主体,是立国之本、强国之基、兴国之器。党的十八大以来,中国制造业正发生着历史性的变化。在世界500种主要工业产品中,中国有40%以上产品的产量世界之首,在多个行业形成规模庞大、技术领先的生产实力。高技术制造业增加值占规模以上工业增加值比重从2012年的9.4%提高到2021年的15.1%;随着中国制造竞争力的明显提升,中国正从制造业大国向着制造业强国大踏步迈进。。(山东管道配件产品可信赖合作伙伴)创新管道新技术应用事业部专注于造纸行业管道施工领域多年,持续不断地提升双法兰传力接头等产品质量,Stick to the original intention with ingenuity and achieve professionalism with focus,努力打造造纸行业管道施工领域的民族品牌,为中国智造屹立世界贡献自己的微薄之力!




At present, China has the largest number of UNESCO Intangible cultural heritage related projects in the world. I believe these cultural stories with a long history are attractive enough to make 青岛 friends interested in Chinese Rubber soft joint products.

Understanding Chinese culture begins here:

The Forbidden City, also known as the Palace Museum, is an iconic landmark located in the heart of Beijing, China. It is one of the most well-preserved examples of Chinese imperial architecture, spanning over 180 acres and boasting more than 9,000 rooms.
The Forbidden City was built during the early Ming Dynasty, beginning in 1406 and completed in 1420. It served as the imperial palace for 24 emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties until the last emperor abdicated in 1912, marking the end of a nearly 500-year era of imperial rule in China.
The palace is surrounded by a massive wall and a moat, with four gates at each cardinal direction. Visitors enter through the Meridian Gate and pass through a series of courtyards, halls, and gardens that lead to the innermost sanctum of the palace, where the emperor and his family resided.


At present, China has the largest number of UNESCO Intangible cultural heritage related projects in the world.
Innovation pipeline believe these cultural stories with a long history are attractive enough to make 青岛 friends interested in Chinese Rubber soft joint products.

This cultural heritage will undoubtedly capture the attention of 青岛 friends:

Shaolin Kung Fu also has a rich cultural heritage, dating back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD). The Shaolin Temple, where the style originated, became a center for Buddhist learning and spiritual practice. Over time, the monks at the temple developed a unique martial arts style that incorporated elements of both Buddhist philosophy and physical training. Today, Shaolin Kung Fu remains an important part of Chinese cultural heritage, and the Shaolin Temple has become a popular tourist destination for visitors interested in martial arts and traditional Chinese culture.
To truly appreciate Shaolin Kung Fu, one must witness it in action. The movements are fluid, powerful, and precise, with each technique carefully honed over centuries of practice. Practitioners of Shaolin Kung Fu are capable of incredible feats of strength and agility, and their movements are a testament to the human body's incredible potential when trained to its full capacity.
Shaolin Kung Fu is a remarkable martial art that embodies the values and traditions of Chinese culture. Its rigorous physical training, diverse range of techniques, and emphasis on spiritual discipline make it both a challenging and rewarding practice. Whether as a means of self-defense, physical fitness, or personal growth, Shaolin Kung Fu offers a unique opportunity to train both the body and the mind, and to experience a centuries-old tradition that continues to inspire and captivate people around the world.


At present, China has the largest number of UNESCO Intangible cultural heritage related projects in the world. I believe these cultural stories with a long history are attractive enough to make 青岛 friends interested in Chinese Rubber soft joint products.

Understanding Chinese culture begins here:

One of the most famous of Guilin is Reed Flute Cave, a natural limestone cave that is illuminated by colorful lights and filled with impressive stalactites and stalagmites. Other notable attractions include Longsheng Rice Terraces, Fubo Hill, and the Xianggong Mountain Scenic Area.
One of the most enchanting aspects of Guilin's landscape is the way in which it changes throughout the day. During the morning hours, the karst hills are often shrouded in mist, creating an ethereal and serene atmosphere. As the day progresses, the sun breaks through the clouds and illuminates the hills with a warm glow. At sunset, the peaks take on a golden hue, casting long shadows across the landscape. And at night, the city comes alive with lights, creating a magical atmosphere that is both romantic and awe-inspiring.
Guilin's landscape is a true wonder of the natural world. Its dramatic karst hills, winding rivers, and picturesque lakes are beloved by visitors from around the world and continue to inspire awe and admiration. Whether seeking relaxation, outdoor adventure, or cultural enrichment, Guilin's breathtaking scenery offers something for everyone.


At present, China has the largest number of UNESCO Intangible cultural heritage related projects in the world.
Innovation pipeline believe these cultural stories with a long history are attractive enough to make 青岛 friends interested in Chinese Rubber soft joint products.

Cultural elements that must be comprehended when visiting China:

The Maijishan Grottoes are built into the mountain in such a way that they are protected from the elements, which has helped to preserve their delicate artwork over the centuries. The caves are also designed in a way that allows for natural ventilation and lighting, creating a comfortable and welcoming environment for visitors.Murals cover the walls and ceilings of the caves and depict scenes from Buddhist mythology and daily life. The colors are vibrant and the details are intricate, offering visitors a glimpse into the artistic style and cultural practices of ancient China.

The Maijishan Grottoes are significant as a cultural landmark. They are a testament to the skill and creativity of ancient Chinese artisans, who spent centuries carving and decorating these magnificent caves. The grottoes are also an important religious site, representing the spread and influence of Buddhism in China over many centuries.
The Maijishan Grottoes are a remarkable achievement of ancient Chinese art and architecture, as well as a significant religious and cultural landmark. From their majestic mountain setting to their intricate statues and murals, these grottoes are truly a marvel to behold and should be on every traveler's itinerary when visiting China.


At present, China has the largest number of UNESCO Intangible cultural heritage related projects in the world. I believe these cultural stories with a long history are attractive enough to make 青岛 friends interested in Chinese Rubber soft joint products.

青岛 friends are drawn to these aspects of Chinese culture:

Lijiang Ancient Town, located in Yunnan Province, China, is a charming and historic town that has become a popular tourist destination for visitors from around the world. With a history dating back over 800 years, Lijiang Ancient Town is a testament to the rich cultural heritage of the Naxi people, who have inhabited the region for generations. The town's distinctive buildings, with their wooden roofs, white walls, and black tiles, are a testament to traditional Naxi architecture. The streets and alleyways of the town are lined with shops, restaurants, and guesthouses, all blending seamlessly into the historic architecture of the town.
The town is crisscrossed by a network of canals and streams that provide a constant flow of fresh water throughout the town. These waterways, along with the town's charming bridges and narrow streets, give Lijiang Ancient Town a sense of serenity and tranquility that is hard to find in modern cities.
Lijiang Ancient Town is also known for its traditional music and dance. The town is home to a number of musicians and performers who specialize in traditional Naxi music and dance. Visitors to the town can often hear the sound of traditional instruments such as the erhu and zhonghu, or see performances of traditional dances such as the Dongjing or Baisha.


At present, China has the largest number of UNESCO Intangible cultural heritage related projects in the world. I believe these cultural stories with a long history are attractive enough to make 青岛 friends interested in Chinese Rubber soft joint products.

You will certainly find this cultural heritage intriguing:

The Great Wall of China, also known as the Long Wall or the 10,000 Li Wall, is an iconic symbol of China that is recognized all over the world. It is a massive fortification system that stretches more than 13,000 miles across northern China and is made up of multiple walls, watchtowers, fortresses, and other structures.
The Great Wall was built over several centuries, beginning in the 7th century BC and continuing through the Ming Dynasty, which ruled from the 14th to the 17th century. The wall was constructed using a variety of materials, including mud, bricks, tamped earth, and stone, depending on the region and the terrain.
One of the most remarkable features of the Great Wall is its incredible length and the fact that it spans a wide variety of landscapes, including deserts, mountains, and grasslands. The wall was built to serve as a barrier against invasions from the north and has played an important role in shaping Chinese history and culture.


At present, China has the largest number of UNESCO Intangible cultural heritage related projects in the world.
Innovation pipeline believe these cultural stories with a long history are attractive enough to make 青岛 friends interested in Chinese Rubber soft joint products.

One of the world's famous cultural heritage sites:

Shaolin Kung Fu is a traditional Chinese martial art that originated in the Shaolin Temple in Henan province, China. It is one of the oldest and most famous styles of Chinese martial arts, with a history dating back over 1,500 years. Shaolin Kung Fu is known for its powerful and dynamic movements, as well as its emphasis on physical and mental discipline, strength, and agility.


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