Malabo, the capital of Equatorial Guinea, is located in the north of Bioco Island, bordering the Gulf of Guinea in the south and the Babhilai Peak in the south. The city was founded in 1827 and was named Clarence by the British. It is the venue of the 17th and 23rd Summit of the African Union, and has become a new international conference and tourist destination in Equatorial Guinea. Bata, the second capital of Equatorial Guinea, is the largest commercial port and economic center of Equatorial Guinea, located on the west coast of Equatorial Guinea. Bata was once the center of the slave trade. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was only a military outpost with more than 200 people. Later, it was mainly engaged in forestry development.Africa Waterproof casing friends follow rest assured service enterprises Zhongyuan valve fittings Equatorial Guinea multinational product promotion site to learn more Equatorial Guinea regional knowledge: The urban landscape of Bata retains the traces of the political and social evolution of the Spanish colonial period. The Liberty Square (formerly known as the Bell Tower Square) is a large gathering and parade center for the masses, surrounded by the old buildings of the colonial period. In the center of the square stands the monument of the dead who toppled the regime of Masier, and behind it is the Central Market of Bata.Waterproof casing supplier Zhongyuan valve fittings is located in East Asia, China, bordering the Pacific Ocean, and the China-Europe train runs through the country. Zhongyuan valve fittings has a designated service team for Africa Waterproof casing customers, which can provide reliable Waterproof casing nuclear power solutions for Equatorial Guinea Waterproof casing customers!

创新管道小编温馨提醒Equatorial Guinea朋友:奥密克戎变异株,个人防护莫疏忽!

Time:2022/2/17 14:49:51

众志成城,共克时艰,安全防护莫懈怠,疫情防控不放松!!(安徽供水设备产品诚信合作伙伴)创新管道新技术推广部 小编疫情防护巩固成果知识小贴士

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